Hail Damage FAQ’s:

Is Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) approved by insurance?

PDR is insurance approved and usually is the preferred method for vehicle hail damage repair. PDR saves the original factory finish and parts and repair costs tend to be 60-70% less than body shop repairs.

Will my auto hail damage claim make my insurance go up?

No, hailstorms are considered a catastrophic event that is not your fault. Hail damage claims are filed against your comprehensive coverage, not against your collision coverage.

Do I have to use the preferred body shop listed, or the body shop the adjustor suggested or am I free to choose?

Some insurance adjustors will steer you to a preferred location for your repairs. This is illegal. Do not be intimidated or coerced. By law, you have the right to choose who will repair your vehicle.

What about pricing differences between the estimate and the final invoice?

After the actual repairs to your vehicle are completed, there may be a cost difference between the estimate and the final invoice. If this happens, DFW Dent Guys will contact your insurance company for a supplement to cover the additional costs.

Why would I need a supplement?

Many times the initial claim check is not enough to cover the actual cost to repair your vehicle. Often companies write low estimates initially, but expect to pay out additional dollars as a supplement check when the repair is actually finished. When this happens, DFW Dent Guys will contact your insurance company for you and request a supplement check.

Why is my check made out to my lienholder and me?

If your car is financed, the claims check will be made out to the lienholder and you.. This ensures the lienholder that repairs were completed and protects their investment should you default on your loan and the car is repossessed.

What if I choose not to get my car fixed? Can I keep the money?

Most insurance companies are obligated to put an “un-repaired damage” restriction on your policy. This would mean any future claims would be denied until your hail damage is repaired. Also, you are in-breach of your contract with your lienholder if your vehicle is not repaired. This lowers the value of your automobile on trade-in or when you sell. This is true for leased vehicles also. You are responsible for the cost of the repairs when your lease is up. To avoid charges, always have door dings, dents, and hail damage repaired before you turn in your leased vehicle.

While it is tempting to just cash the check and not do the repairs, there are consequences to consider. Should you have a hail damage claim in the future, your insurance company can reduce the amount paid on the new claim by the amount paid for repairs not done. Also, claim amounts not applied against vehicle liens affect the vehicle’s value when it is sold, traded in, or turned in at the end of a lease. When you choose to cash the check and not repair your